The end of the World Book Day Travelling Circus circus is arriving, and I am longing to get back to Tome Two. I can feel this latest book lurking in my head again, ready to start speaking to me. I have 25,000 valid words there so far, but I have decided to do something different to get back into the thing. I am going to help Tome Two along by taking it for a walk each day.
Things have started well. Tome has been something that snuffled grouchily in the corner while I wetn out bringing in money. Now it has started to run about a little, show an interest in its general surroundings, make various noises of approval or delight. Yes, being almost eager again.
For example, yesterday, Tome spotted a new character in the distance. Today he raced right up to this personage, and showed me exactly how & why this new friend is needed in the plot. It all feels very promising - and in this surreal world, there's no hanging about by trees or carrying unmentionable plastic bags either.
I just hope his bark will grow loud enough to keep me walking the pavements and writing the words.
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