Wednesday 24 February 2010


How does he do it? How does Stephen King manage to get to the end of his writing day, shake off the horrors he's created and go pleasantly among his friends and family? Does he laugh cheerfully as he tucks into the contents of his stewpot? Does he feel peaceful when walking beside a lake? And does he go to bed without checking inside under the bed and in every wardrobe?

How do such writers move from one horrific scene to another and still gather merrily at the fireside without severe drink taken? Or do they take the dog for long, long walks of an evening? Must go back to his great book On Writing and read for some reassurance.

Sometimes - like just now- it's stupidly hard living with and through a story you care about. The feelings that you're writing tend to stick around a bit, a looming shadow of angst, even though it's all "made up stuff". Guess it's all that drawing from the deep well.

I've recently been battling with an anguished section of Tome Two when all may be lost for my young protagonists. So yesterday, when Lad Home Here suddenly appeared in my workroom to ask a small but important question, I was almostready to leap at his throat. I think I did not speak to him at all kindly. Luckily, he understands. He says.

However, when I'd finished for the day, I still had to stay hidden, pottering with wretched admin, while my heart beat went back to normal and my adrenaline calmed. Is this a healthy state? Writing can feel like a very Jekyll & Hyde type existence.

Even Roald Dahl makes me wonder. How did he feel after writing about that disgusting beard in The Twits? Did he scoff his afternoon tea of scones with cream and jam without any single qualm in the stomach area?


  1. Do you think it's a difference between men and women? The same way women want to talk about work even when they're at home, unable to let go of it, while men want to leave work at work and not bring it home with them? I think that might be part of it.

    Stephen King is admirable, except for that brief foray into drug addiction, he's stayed clean and married to the same woman all these years. And raised two kids with her. You're right-- how in the world does he do it??!!

  2. Hi Karen,
    You may be right. I was always impressed by the way male teachers could get an evening's writing done - or, even more impressive, get up and write before school started - while I worried about getting pencils sharpened or x or y done. However, my organisational skills may not be of the best. :-) Agree re Stephen King!

    Have just responded to the latest Bookwitch post, and am wondering if the reason I didn't want to read on with the book is because I have my own "lost child" to deal with in the current writing. The brain has ways of looping around and around.

    Thanks for commenting!

  3. Hehe I think Mr. S King doesnt sleep after the things he writes. Maybe he cant fall asleep and then he write this weird stories, but hey it works and we all love him. I realy like your work and will be following your blog. Keep up the good work and congrats on the release.
