I am exhausted with worry! Late last week I read through the Uncorrected Proof of Mouse - see last post - only to discover it was indeed uncorrected and that some corrections I knew had been done with the copy editor weren't there on the page.
Panic. Sleeplessness. Guilt (Why guilt?)Why weren't the corrections there? Was it something I had/hadn't done? Should I keep quiet or . . erm .. raise the matter? I went for the latter, and was told with some gently amused patience that the "book copy" can indeed be taken from an early stage of the mansucript and that all is still progressing nicely.
There was also this Active Learning Written & Spoken Word project I've been involved in. At one level it's been truly great - seeing the same group of children, working out session by session which workshop should come next, seeing definite signs of development, getting to know some great people and children. But oh the paperwork! I have been battling with the session proformas - the downloading, the filling in with data, the observations and outcomes . . . Mercy! I'm a story-teller and my words don't fit easily into boxes.
Please let me have an easier day tomorrow . . .